Wednesday, July 25, 2007

From the NPM Pastoral Liturgy Institute

I just spent a few minutes listening at the door of the NPM Pastoral Liturgy Institute. Because the doors of the room are oak, I don't know how many people are inside, or who was giving the talk, but what I heard was enough to convince me that my money is well saved.

The speaker was instructing the group on how to change the words of the Mass responses. He recommended that any changes be added to the end of the response in order to not cause confusion. In his words, "People are Pavlovian".

I heard a few of the recommended texts and none of them appear in any Sacramentary and as far as I know they are not among the changes recommended for the updated Roman Missal.

Just my update from behind the door.

1 comment:

Brian Michael Page said...

Yup - that's typical NPM alright.

BTW, did you get to see my version of the Haugen story? (hehehehe)